Offering my words up as I pour them out through the form of my stories and poetry. Some are safe...all our delightfully hedonic.



Miss You

They say time heals all wounds,
I wonder what clock they are using.
The wound on my heart is worse than any bruise or cut that I have ever felt.
I don't want time to heal me,
I want time to turn back to the last time I saw you.

If I knew then what I know now,
I would have never let you go.
I would have canceled my plans and just stayed a while longer.

Staying in our pjs and watching Netflix,
cocooned in our own world.
Our issues dead-bolted on the other side of the door.

Talking side by side about our lives.
Talking side by side about our pasts.
Talking side by side about our futures.
Talking side by side about our challenges.
Talking side by side about our regrets.
Talking side by side about our hopes.
Talking side by side about our dreams.

I never thought you would leave.
I never thought the next chapter of you would end so soon.
Now all I have are memories of you.

I can see you but can't hug you.
I can hear you but you can't talk back.
I can text you but you can't respond.
I can call you but you won't answer.

I can do so much but nothing will bring you back.

I miss you my sister
I miss you my friend
I will miss you regardless of time,
because for me our bond will never end.

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