Offering my words up as I pour them out through the form of my stories and poetry. Some are safe...all our delightfully hedonic.



My Paradise

Waking up out of my slumber,
I stretch my limbs to shake out the numbness.
I reach my arms out wide as though I'm ready to relinquish my cross
I point my toes straight as a ballerina getting ready to en pointe.

I'm in my paradise
My afro is in a pineapple style relaxing on my satin pillow case.
My generous bosom is in perfect swaying synchronization
A light groan comes off of my throat

I enjoy the cool breeze from the open window
Hearing the greeting from the crow outside on a nearby branch
I roll over half way to give my back that extra stretch
My fingers glide from neck to waist
My body is a braille board that only I can read
Unless you are lucky, I might teach you the sign to please me

What is my paradise?
My inner sanctum is more enticing than the waves off of any beach
My skin is the proof that a Nubian Goddess can be kissed by the sun
My hands can caress you softer than even the most sought after silk
My thighs can coil around you tighter than a python whispering sweet nothings to its prey

My paradise resides within me.
I am the morning rays.
I am the afternoon delight.
I am the midnight train.
Me, Myself, and I

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